Sunday, 17 June 2012

How to be alone DIY

A little while ago I posted this video. Its a song/poem about how to be alone, and was what inspired me to add "take myself out on a date" to my summer checklist. Until this point, I was a little weary of doing this, and was pretty sure it wouldn't happen until an argument at home had me picking up my bag, my camera, and walking towards the bus stop. I decided I was going downtown, by myself, and would spend most of my day there.

This probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but I'm a compulsive planner. I like to have things organized and figured out before I do them, so setting off downtown by myself when I had originally planned to do other things was a pretty big leap for me. I sat on the bus, staring at my bus ticket, trying to decide if I should get off, take a northbound bus back home. I stayed on though, all the way to the subway and into the downtown core.
awesome floral cowboy shirt I found at "Used" on Queen West
At first I was a little on edge. Queen St. West was busy, and the crowds of people made me a little nervous. But as I travelled further away from the busy core of Queen Street and further West, there were less people. Here I found little treasure troves of vintage stores I had never been to before, and immediately fell into the calming ease of sorting through racks of clothing. Shopping by myself is something I'm used to, and something lots of other people are used to as well, so I didn't feel strange doing this. It was only when I saw a nice little patio with one small, free table outside, that I realized I was hungry, thirsty, and would have to go eat something alone.
Mill Street Lemon Tea Beer and avocado and brie sandwich at Java
I've never eaten at a sit-down restaurant alone before. I've eaten by myself lots of times, but this time felt a little different. There was something about being asked "For how many?", and telling them "just me," that seemed funny, but I went for it anyways. I ordered Mill Street's Lemon Tea Beer and an avocado and brie sandwich and enjoyed people watching and listening to the flow of conversation around me. In the end, I finished up, walked around a little more, and then headed home.

 For me, this day was about a couple of things. One, it showed that I didn't need to have a plan to have fun, but also, I don't need to have other people to have a good day. Other people find me good company, so why shouldnt I? Now I can cross it off my checklist, and maybe try it out again sometime.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

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